This is the best heading i could think of under the circumstances of this post and if you read the whole post,you will see where i am coming from!
When i started the blog at the end of August of this year,i had not got a clue what i was doing and had absolutely no thoughts that someone might actually follow it. I have a massive interest in fantasy football so i thought yea i can do a few posts on this as 3.3 million people play the game on a yearly basis and i do know quite alot about the game and as i did finish 23rd in the world 2 years ago and this might generate some interest in my blog!
Then along came the Battle of the Sexes leagues which has taken off way beyond what myself and Walt in the USA ever thought possible. I organised 80 girls from all different countries to join 4 girls teams and play v 4 teams of guys every week. This means that at least once,if not twice a week,i post about the girls on the teams and how they all got on in their matches v the boys!
Now,when i do a #fpl (fantasy football) blog post,it generates alot of pageviews and proves to me that the posts are quite popular.
So here is my problem,i have 144 blog followers and if i am not mistaken,4 are from the community of fantasy football enthusiasts. The rest of my lovely followers are generally from the fashion and lifestyle community of bloggers who have i am sure no interest in my fantasy football posts!
I have written product reviews and other posts about my life which have been very popular and i want to do posts such as OOTD's,which i have not done as yet but i will wait until the weather improves before i attempt these sort of posts!
I have seen alot of blogger chats recently in which the subject of working with brands has been discussed and i would love to have the opportunity to work with a brand on a blog post. I felt that i could not even contribute at all to these chats and just sat there for the hour or so reading everyone's comments feeling totally out of my depth with absolutely nothing to say on a very interesting chat! And as for even contemplating contacting a brand,i just feel so unsure about this!
Even reading suggestions on how to improve your blog,one is to have plenty of photos in your posts,well here i am now writing this with no photos and as some people have said,if they see just alot of writing,they just skip through it! I do understand however that everyone is not going to like everyone's posts.
I had a twitter follow today and a comment by the lovely young lady was "Thank you! Your blog is lovely by the way x"
Now this comment really made my day and has put me in a little bit more of a positive mood towards the blog and i want to thank you Laura!
I am however feeling at the moment very confused as to what to do next,i now have to get my head around alot of things that are whizzing around in my mind at the moment! I just feel a little lost!
Thanks for reading,any comments will be very much appreciated,
Hollie xxx
I would say your Blog is your space to do what you want with , theres no rules on what to post or what they should be about . I hope that is helpful to you? xox
Marie,thank you so much,this is very helpful! You are a star xoxo
DeleteI think its a bit sad if people don't read the actual text of the posts. Recently I got a comment on my blog saying that someone liked the way I had written a text. It was one of the nicest comments I have ever had. I so understand you. And BTW I did read your text above!
ReplyDeleteVisit my lifestyle blog MRSinLONDON
Thank you so much Mrs C,i really appreciate the fact that you took the time to read and comment! It is lovely when you get nice comments! xx
DeleteTo prove that I actually read your posts... Here I am, commenting.
ReplyDeleteI am one of those readers with absolute zero interest in Fantasy Football, but I like the other posts you put up, so I´ll just read the title and either skip it or read it, simple as that.
I totally agree with Marie: This is your space, do whatever you like! It is not about followers, it is about readers. And readers read text.
Nice pictures won´t hurt, and if you are attempting to work with a brand, this it what they will look for. But it isn´t everything.
If you want to make a living, you will have to implement changes. But if you are in it for the fun, stay right the way you are and see where it will take you.
I blog about makeup, skincare and mommies stuff, and I am well aware that most oft the 16-22 year old beauty blog readers have absolutely no interest in homemade babyfood or decorating a nursery. But I don't care. My blog, my topics.
Lots of love
Anne from
Hi Anne,thanks so much for your comment and for taking the time to read my post.Your comments make alot of sence and i thank you for them! I am only in it for the fun,that's all and again thank you so much! xx