Wednesday, 14 January 2015

May i ask you all a Question?

Hi everyone,
since i started my blog in August,it has been quite diverse with posts about fashion,lifestyle,beauty and fantasy football!
I dont know if this mix is putting off potential followers or indeed current followers and i would really appreciate any comments regarding the subject!
Most of my followers are fashion/beauty and lifestyle bloggers and this represents 95% of my followers however the 5% of followers are followers of fantasy football!
My fantasy football posts,although not too many have generated alot of pageviews but i would really like to know if these posts are off putting in your oppinion?
This post is aimed at the 95% of followers who are not into fantasy football and i would like to thank you in advance for reading this short post!
I am not going to "push and promote" this post in my usual way that i do as i would like to see how this goes too and if you are reading this,thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog,you are awesome,but please remember my question is about off putting and i will continue to write the occassional blog post about fantasy football,

lots of love,

Hollie xxx


  1. My dear hollie, I have a super supporter of Rome, me for the rest of the football are not very informed, my passion is fashion, as we already know, however, if these only your passions continues to write, because a blog before what to speak of your passion

    a big kiss

    1. aw i am so delighted that you replied and thank you so much for your advice! I feel alot better now after reading your comment! Thank you Xx

  2. First and foremost - this is YOUR blog. Your write about whatever you want to.
    I have been blogging for over 8/9 years and 3+ on my current blog and I only blog about what I want to. There are a lot of posts I write that aren't as popular as other but thats okay because I like to write them.

    In my opinion if someone doesn't like a certain type of post, just don't read that one. Like, if I enjoy a person's blog I'll follow it even if there are a couple of posts every now and then that I'm not interested in.

    Hope this helps somewhat and I haven't just waffled on haha.

    Best wishes, Danielle xo

    1. Danielle,thank you so much honey! Yes it has helped and my football posts when published get alot of views somehow lol! xx

  3. As I stated on your "Crossroads" blogpost about one month ago: Write whatever makes you happy. I don't care about Fantasy Football, so I don't read those posts. I read whatever I enjoy reading.
    And don't be fooled by followers. Many just don't read your blog, simply follow as a result of "Follow for Follow" etc. If those posts create a lot of page views, clearly there is a market for them.

    LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. Thanks so much,you always talk alot of sense! x

  4. Your blog should be a representation about you, so if you want to post about fantasy football, then go ahead and do so! If someone does not want to read it, than they can skip it, cant they?

    1. Thank you Mrs C! I appreciate your comments! x

  5. Thank you,i am a big fan of your blog! x

  6. I'm with everyone else--write what you love to write about! Who knows!? You might become a renown fantasy football writer! That would be really great!


  7. I'm with everyone else--write what you love to write about! Who knows!? You might become a renown fantasy football writer! That would be really great!


    1. now wouldn't that be nice Jessica! I have been asked to write for renowned fantasy football sites but i have declined (oh no) xx

  8. Hi lovely Hollie,

    Sorry it's been a while since my last visit but did have a good read tonight and I can only agree to what the other ladies have already said. This is your blog and space of the internet and as long as you write about what makes you happy and shows your passion, I'm fine with whatever you write. I did have a quick read of one of your fantasy football posts (though I only understood like 10% of it). But that's ok, you have other posts that interests me and I'd like to know what you've been up to. Don't worry too much, your doing great! Speak soon xxx

    Caz | Lunch Break Adventures

    1. thanks again lovely Carolin! Yea the football might take a wee bit of getting used to but i really appreciate you commenting on my post xx
