Friday, 29 August 2014

I am new to this so still finding my way around!

Hi there,
this is Hollie and some of you may know me from twitter. I have just set up my first blog and tbh i am really new to all this sort of thing including twitter which i only joined at the start of August.

I hope to post about certain incidents that have happened to me in my life as well as some fashion topics and also post about my thoughts on fantasy football. I know it is probably a strange mix but hey that's me.

At this point i would like to thank the lovely Chelsea Marrs who put me in the right direction to setting up the blog as i really hadn't got a clue what i was doing.Thank you so much Chelsea x.

I will be astonished if anybody actually reads anything that i post but who knows!

Lots of love,



  1. First comment whooo! Looking great so far :D

    Chelsea | Chow Down by the Bay

    1. Thanks so much Chelsea,i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you!x

  2. Congrats! Looking forward to future posts!
